Favorite Photos

Probably the only thing our Lake members and pilots enjoy as much as flying their planes is taking pictures of their adventures, and sharing them with friends and strangers alike.  This gallery is only possible thanks to their passions.  We hope you enjoy looking at it as much as we enjoy sharing it with you.

Our Favorites

A Compilation

10,000 Miles to Alaska

Ed McNeil / Tom and Sue Tuxill

Lakeathon 2008 – River Ranch

A Compilation

Adventure in the Midnight Sun

2007 Trip to the Arctic by Bob and Sharon Stebbins

Tanglefoot 2016

A Compilation

Capture the Spirit

Slide shows courtesy of Jim Campbell and Myron Mitchell

ATTENTION FENCE SITTERS ..... Rooms are still available for the LakeFest event days, but the special group rate expires 9/7/24Click here for more information