
Over the years, much has been written about Lakes in most of the aviation media. While it might seem dated, it is no less relevant now that when it was first published. While no longer in production, the Lake is far and away the largest amphibian family in the world, and its attributes continue to draw fans who often will claim they “could not imagine flying anything else!”

Here are a number of reviews, travelogues and publications to help you understand a little more about the Lake Amphibian.

Special thanks to Team Lake for their contributions.

“All About Lakes”

A light-hearted, but very valuable perspective, on flying, owning and maintaining a Lake Amphibian, written by John Staber who has over fifty years experience on the subject.

View the book here,   or    Download the book here

Source Title/Link
Private Pilot, August 1966, Barry Schiff Fun Flight … With the Wet Set
SPA – 1976 Water Flying Annual Boat, … or Floats
SPA – 1983 Water Flying Annual Floats and Boats
SPA – Summer 1992 Water Flying Seabee Beaching and Ramping Techniques
SPA – Book Review, 1997 Flying Boats for Recreation
SPA – Seaplanes, 1997 LA-4 and LA-4-200 Buccaneer
SPA – Seaplanes, 1997 Turbo 250 and 270 Renegade
FAA – AC 91-69A, 1999 Seaplane Safety for 14 CFR Part 91 Operators
Aviation Consumer, Vol 1, Number 1, 2000 Lake Amphibians
SPA – 2001 Water Flying Annual Two Lakes to Alaska – Ed McNeil
FAA-H-8083-23 Seaplane …. Operations Handbook
SPA – Water Flying, Jan/Feb 2004 Three Lakes to the Ice Age – Ed McNeil
General Aviation News – Feb 2005 Lakeathon 2005
Aviation Consumer, Vol 36, Number 11, 2006 Lake Amphibian

Courtesy of Team Lake

AOPA Pilot – September 1988Lake Turbo Renegade 270
AirProgress – July 1989Great Lake
Private Pilot – March 1990New Improved Lake
Business and Commercial Aviation – March 1991Lake’s Turbo Renegade
Flyer Pilot Report, February 2001Turbo Seafury
Aviation Digest, August 2002Aircraft Review – Lake LA-250 Renegade
SPA – 2000 Water Flying AnnualFlying Boat Special
Flying, May 1990Aquabatics
Flying, July 1987Turbo Renegade:  Lake’s Amphibious Assault
Flying, Annual 1985Star Performers
Flying, January 1984Lake Renegade – The New Wave
Steve ReepA Hull of a Difference
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